Shake My Shadow

The cold water was soothing and satisfying in his throat and felt good against the innards of his heavy and tired chest. Pink tongue lapped against the flowing stream, mind centered on his one and only task of the moment. So much so that he didn't even notice that other the approached until it was too late to run without being seen. Yellow eyes looked up at the sight that he was met with, and his ears turned for a moment in a frightened submission. The tall beast's silhouette was misshaped, but as his eyes looked over the details he saw that what he wore and carried on his werewolf appendages were things the instantly intimidated him. The single word that was spoke brought Mino to look at the orange eyes that were placed on his face. The scent of the pack kept him from growling with a warning, asking for the other to stay away with a coward's tone. "Minos" He answered, somehow knowing that what he had spoke was his name. The spoken introduction would have been lost to the primal male before, when his blood was simple, untainted, and weak. But now, with practice, he understood.

It was not his place to asked questions, and yet he did. "Where did you get that." speaking on the garb that yellow eyes now went back to studying.


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