New Letters


She watched dark hands quickly and nimbly undoing the strapping of the saddle. It was one chore Anann never missed. She was glad she had no need for such things with Rem. Their bond and trust so deep they seemed almost to become one creature, one mind. That should work perfectly. If I'm able to join the pack, I'll pick a stall then. More Rem would do the picking. Anann often wondered which one of them was truly in charge sometimes, but that was probably the way of most partnerships she supposed. As I said, I won't come looking. A coy grin and sassy tone came from her maw.

The golden fem wondered what the horses of the stables were like. She couldn't help but wonder if there were any born fighters. Even while she had run from the battlefield Anann knew she wouldn't be able to abandon her training or Rem's. Heath obviously had a distaste for war. Though everyone should have a distaste for it, but that didn't mean you didn't need to be prepared to defend yourself or your lands. Would he let her train here? The facility were great for it. Too early for such thoughts. It wasn't home yet, but it felt so right...

The dark, mottled coy-wolf was no dummy. He saw Rem for what he was, his eyes said that much. Though it had still remained unspoken. Anann was starting to feel uneasy. Maybe it needed to be spoken, out in the open if only between them. You obviously know what Rem is and from there its not hard to figure out what that makes me... Know he knew some how didn't make it any easier to say. You've earned my respect, otherwise I would not speak of this. The air of confidence around her was faltering. She shifted her weight, trying to recompose herself. Do you really want to share your home with us? I have desire to find the battlefield again, and I won't abandon my training... The golden fem felt a connection with this man. She hoped for friendship between them. Normally and especially with men, Anann tended to be defiant to a fault. Respect the only thing that dulled her sharp tongue.

Table by Alli<3


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