in a trail of fire I know we will be free again
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That was a wonderful post. +300

    They were both flesh and blood disintegrating. They would rot and die, but Gabriel had not yet managed to realize that Haku would still be standing when skin and muscles and bones were long gone. The demon within the Dahlian’s King’s body would have recognized Ahren’s shadow as the ancient being it was, yet Gabriel seemed reluctant to recognize the creature before him as the last son of the fallen angel with the blackened wings. Ancient, yet so young when compared to those before him. Only immortality was certain and like those before it, the spirit would cause death and suffering, using one of earth’s own creature against their own. He could see fire dancing in the hybrid’s eyes, recognizing the dancing flames for what they represented. It was no surprise to the twisted man that he was not loved. Love was not what he was supposed to give this world. All was well.

God’s Gabriel came rushing towards him, and if the demon had not been tightly wrapped in its mortal vessel’s insanity, it would have known fear. Fabled creatures inhabited tremendous power while stalking the realm of the living, but Haku was not the only creature here hiding behind mortal flesh. Straight thoughts were far from this place and this moment, and it was impossible to embrace anything but insanity and blood thirst as fire raged around him and brought him back to his revered dreams. The world was red and draped with fire and smoke. Fangs flashed, aiming to devastate the Aquila’s face. Jaws opened and snapped together with cruel force as the charging beast was within range as he slowed down just a bit to properly welcome the charging man before the expected collision of their bodies.

Haku wanted to feed of blind rage and hatred. He wanted to see madness devour Gabriel plain for all to see. The world would never become a better place, and those with the power to realize this should make the best of out of it. Gabriel’s path was worthless in the blue man’s eyes. There was no heaven. God was dead. There had been no one left to save man, and there was no one to save Gabriel de le Poer.


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