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300+ sorry for bad quality!

    The maddening laughter rung in his ears together with the sound of magnificent fire eating its way into Inferni. There was blood on his hands and a dying man before him. Bloody fangs were washed pink as his tongue delightfully revelled in the bright liquid he had drawn from one of his own. Sicarus did no longer laugh with him, and the madman’s hysterical laugh died in an instant as he watched the creature, already defeated by the mortal wounds that had struck him from a clear sky. Once Haku had been a trustworthy man. Illness had always lingered within, but he had known sense once and he had served loyally before the dark taint had overshadowed everything. Now there was nothing left of the man that could have brought peace and safety to Dahlia, and Haku Soul smiled his grotesque smile as he had sealed the fate of one of his followers. More was to come. This was as much an invitation to Inferni to lash out with a new, greater attack on Dahlia as it was to cripple and hurt them. Haku lusted merely for the death of the world.

It mattered little as he saw that Sicarus failed to understand. Deceit and betrayal was sweet, but the greater picture was still so much sweeter. He only laughed at the man’s soft word. Why indeed. His electric blue eyes held the only answer the young male would get as they filled with lethal hunger and the dancing flames of a power mad being. Then he was on the other creature again, literally kicking the younger male over with a clawed foot splashing blood on the ground before clawed hands locked around one of Sicarus’ arms and started to drag him back towards the borders. Behind him the world was burning and he ached for the scent of burnt flesh and death. Flames slowly followed back to the edge of the clan lands, and the monstrous creature turned back to watch the beautiful destruction for just a moment before he again became aware of the creature he was dragging along with him.

Sicarus and Haku had evaded the bear trap’s hungry jaw with ease, but today was the day when the metal would be allowed to dig into living flesh just as the coyotes wanted. With both hands Haku lifted and half tossed the Dahlian member’s body at the dangerous device, ears twitching in delight as the metal sang and captured its prey.


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