I wonder

There were always unrecognizable scents in the city, and she had gotten used to that. But one scent now stood out amongst the mingled smells of dust and mold. Inferni. She only smelled it right before she stepped over the threshold, and by then it was too late. She was already in the situation. A streak of fear shot through her, making her pause for a moment before the scene in front of her. There was a creature standing there, looking toward her, that reeked of the coyotes. It looked vaguely familiar, like someone she had seen before, but that wasn't what she was worried about. She didn't care if she had known them in the past or if she knew one of their family members. They were from Inferni.

The last time she'd gotten involved with someone from their clan, things hadn't ended well. She'd ended up in a fight, and her leg had been mangled up and broken...which had meant months of recovery time and physical therapy. Even as she stood there it began to twinge, a reminder of past events.

Now...Naniko knew that she didn't own any part of the city, but seeing him there made her angry. She'd seen the fox first, and was going to take it home with her to take care of it. Nobody was going to eat it. She held the lingering fear of Inferni inside...but her mothering instinct was quickly overriding that fear. She stepped in farther, standing up to her full height. She could see the trail of blood leading off into one of the hallways, and she came closer, looking to the hall, then to Gabriel. "Step aside."


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