New Letters

xD they can walk to the Hotel...

Heath wandered if she'd do as she said, and join their ranks. It wasn't a bad deal, at least Heath thought so. He was unsure if he would have simply left just like the rest of his siblings, if everything had gone a little different. But something had made him join this pack, and Heath saw the woman he loved and the horses he cared for as the chain that kept him planted along this coast. But it was not a shackle that he did not gladly wear, proud in fact to be linked to the canines that lived here. Jac might have been a better friend if he was not mated to the King's charge, but there was no changing what was and Heath would give up the world for the silver female. Different things propelled them to form the bonds and claim the loyalties, he wandered what the breaking point would be for Anann. Heath nodded, "Alright." He spoke with a grin. If she joined then it would be another beast that thought as he did amoung them, and Heath always appreciated more of those.

With his comment Heath could sense their conversation turning serious. Grim in fact. He donned a plain face, looking and watching the horses as if he was busy with his task as she spoke. The stall door clinked shut, and Heath moved to the dark faced mare that lived beside her adoptive pale brother. Lumiere was his favorite, his first to ride and the first to claim him as their own. She had been his light into a world that did not life and breathe by bitterness and bloody knuckles. He touched her nose and then turned to the wolfess, "I knew what you were when I saw the weapons you carried." Heath spoke, his tone low and calm. "I would not bring you here if I did not trust that you were looking for something that I had looked for as well." He was scarred, the lines crossing his chest, his knuckles large from the past's constant beating. He was what a human would call a boxer, lightweight but deadly. "If you think you'll live here, your battles will be in the name of this pack. Every one. Whether you want it or not, the use of your training will have us written all over it. As long as you are prepared to hold that responsibility, I'll share my home with you." everything he did represented each member of the pack, and it was each of their responsibility to give the pack a good name. If he sought vengeance against those that had pained him in the past he would be dragging every beast into the battle.

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