Another sun


Was he okay? What did okay mean? A large amount of the happiness he once had found and cherished in Dahlia de Mai had been taken from him with the approach of war. His father was a horrible man, he took away what was good and yet Dahlia’s majority of members followed him blindly. The yearling was not about to throw dirt on those who did, for despite his reluctance and disgust for the war he still followed Haku for the sake of Dahlia. The pack of flowers was losing its lovely petals though, and Conor would not stand for it. He wondered how much his uncle’s family knew of the war. He hoped they were spared for details. It was a useless thing, war and conflict, and he was very glad that some of those he cared about were out of Haku Soul’s reach.

”Yeah, I’m okay,” the young male answered his uncle, though his gaze shed away from the older man as he spoke. War was not okay in any way whatsoever. ”How are my cousins doing?” he now wondered, pushing on to another, hopefully less tense topic. It had been a while since he had seen any of his cousins, and it sort of saddened him. Last time he had seen Cambria he had stumbled upon her in the middle of the night as she had just finished her first shift. He was ashamed that he had not come back sooner to check if she was alright and all. So much else had been on his mind these last months.

Table credit: Alli/Anu

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