they say they ride horses!

“Oh,” Claudius replied, somewhat heartbroken. Although he had tried his best, he knew there would be no way for him to redeem himself in Conor's eyes. Sure, he had tried, but that wasn't what was at stake here: he had made a fool of himself. Conor offered to be Claudius's friend instead, but Claudius just shook his head. If Conor had offered before, perhaps he would have taken him up on his offer, but he didn't want a pity friend -- what he really wanted was a real friend. Addison might have been his friend, but even then, he'd still been just a little child. He'd needed his mommy to force him out of AniWaya to meet her, and even then, she'd stayed close by to make sure he didn't trip on a rock and die. He was useless, and he didn't want Conor to know that. He could stay holed up in his den for months, and perhaps then, Conor would forget about how dumb he was.

“T-t-t-t-hat's oh k-kay,” Claudius said at last, forcing the words out. Now that he was feeling so down about himself, he knew he wouldn't be able to say anything properly anymore. He should just go before Conor noticed how much worse his stutter got; he didn't want to embarrass himself further. “I s-s-houl-d-d-d g-go any...w-ways,” he stated. Then, added: “I-it was nice meet-i-i-i-ing y-you, C-c-c-on... C-c-con... Bye.” He could feel his lips trembling, but he didn't want to cry in front of the younger boy, so he just turned away and started off to where his mother was standing. Maybe she wouldn't notice, either.


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