Do you believe in something?
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Big Grin 300+

     To say she was mess was a bit of an understatement. The girl's nerves were frayed and the neurons fired without warning, causing her to flinch or start at the slightest noise or smell. It had been bad before, but after her unexpected meeting with her uncle it had become that much worse. The ice had been broken, even if the rift between she and Ehno hadn't been healed completely and that meant there was only one person she was still running and hiding from. The imminence of her seeing Mati hung over her like a dark cloud and she feared what she would see in that face when it saw her. In her mind's eye, Cambria saw disgust, saw resentment. There was no hint of the hope of a beginning that she had thought she had seen those weeks ago. She was certain that Mati would tell her that she didn't like her and wanted nothing to do with her. That was what she was running from, because her heart couldn't take the ache that would immediately ensue. The organ was already sore and painful, unable to take a drop more of disappointment.

     The walk she was taking wasn't aimed at running from the Church fey exactly, at least not at the moment. The mansion had become stifling to her and felt as if it were caving in around her, suffocating her. Cambria had needed fresh air and had hoped that it would help to clear the constantly buzzing thoughts in her head. It perhaps helped to dull the intensity of it, but it was far from gone. Arms crossed over her chest as she held herself, a small attempt to make herself feel better. No matter how hard she tried to focus on the joyful coming of little siblings, all paths drew back to facing Mati and she could feel the tears fill behind her eyes. The Marino wanted to disappear and pretend that none of it had happened.

     A noise behind her made her jump and her eyes grew wide, nose and ears alert. Someone was coming. Without even knowing who it was she ducked behind a tree to hide herself, a reaction that she could not subdue. It was so stupid, feeling the need to hide in her own home grounds, but it was there and it could not be controlled. Cream tipped ears heard panting and then her name floating on a voice that she didn't have to second-guess at. Heart pounded in her breast and her tail curled around her front, fingers clenching into her palms. Cambria didn't respond to the call, but neither did she move to escape. As with Ehno, she was immobile, unable to make any move.


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