like a toast at a table.

OOC: Hope you don’t mind me hopping in here, Big Grin

WC: 476

It was spring, his most favorite time of year, where new life began anew, and where the birds would be active, he was out watching the birds that were near the cliffs, he could see that it was a pair of eagles that lived on the edge of these cliffs, and not just any eagles, but there were golden eagles, it was going to be a good opportunity to see what they have in their nest soon, he was sure to find a few eggs and with one of them he could have an eagle to train the way he wanted to. The scale up that cliff would be his only problem. He was sure he could make a pulley system and go down the wall from the top, but he needed to know what was there, he’d only been to the top of the part with the forest. He’d cut some trees so he could make a cage for the birds he’d eventually train to help them find and catch prey. Not to mention it would be a great sport to introduce to the other wolves, he’d read about falcons and eagles being used as a sport, he had no intentions of making the eagles falcons or hawks he’d have in the future slaves to a circus or anything, he’d give them adequate homes and such. He’d noticed the other wolf laying on the beach but she didn’t see him and she seemed content in resting her eyes so he wasn’t going to bother waking her, he was only sizing up the cliff and seeing how much time he’d have before the eggs turned into chicks. He saw as the wolf got up too, but her attention was acutely on something else that she didn’t even see him, he tilted his head to follow her movement wondering what caught her attention, then the beautiful smell of fish and spices, it made his mouth water, he then moved behind the female, he’d never had fish before but it smelled utterly delicious, he stopped behind the female wolf and listened to her introduction.

Me either, I’ve never smelled anything like it

He said scratching at his Mohawk awkwardly, he really did hope he wasn’t intruding, they all seemed to be members, and he was still meeting them as well, he’d been in the pack for a month now, so he wasn’t surprised he hadn’t met these few wolves himself yet.

My name is Niro by the way, I’m sorry if I’m intruding on your party, I just smelled your meal and was curious as to what it was.

Even though he and his sister lived near a coast he’d never learned how to fish. He didn’t bother because he was never taught and really never saw a reason to go near the water other than to drown.

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