Simply Being There
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Still waters run deep

The blind collie stood, thinking about how much she loved Heath as Savina expressed her own similar feelings towards her own mate. The mere thought of him made her happy. She would have to give him a big hug next time she saw him, just to let him know how much she loved him. The Italian fae's expressed encouragement about Ruri's mateship made the silver and ivory woman smile in gratitude. Of course, she hoped the exact same thing for Savina and her mate.

The subject of Savina's future visit continued to excite the petite luperci. When the Commander suggested that she might bring her older children, the young Border collie couldn't help but chime in, "The more the merrier, I always say. Besides, you're never to old to have fun. I must say I'm so excited that it's going to be difficult to wait for that day to come. I suppose there isn't anything I can do about that, though. I'll just have to force myself to be patient," she replied with a giggle of amusement. There really was nothing she could do to expedite Savina's visit with her future pups as the pups had yet to be even born. That was always the difficulty with planning fun things so far in advance. One just couldn't help but get excited, and therefore the waiting was only made harder.

When Savina explained her own history of parental trouble, Ruri was easily able to empathize. Father, mother, the same sort of thing really save for the obvious gender differences. When the Dreamer made the point that her father taught her what not to look for in a male, the lautari's lips curved in a smile, "Fate has a way of doing things like that. Often the bad things in life serve to change us for the better, though it rarely seems like it at the time," she stated, moving her arms from their folded position in front of her chest to their normal resting place at her sides. The long sleeves of her tunic had served their purpose of re-warming her fingers and now they were again ready to face the chill temperature of the air. In a few minutes Ruri would likely have to repeat the procedure again and re-warm her fingers. On such cold, wet days, it was almost a habit of the Dauphine, she rarely noticed that she was doing it.


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