like a toast at a table.

More people could totally jump in, too! And I apologize, this post is bad. D; I am tiredddd. <3

Rurik had done a little exploring of the lands, and he had truly enjoyed them—the beaches truly were beautiful here. He thought that perhaps this pack had claimed the loveliest beaches in the land. Certainly, the territory itself was beautiful—but what of the members? As Liliya prodded at the fish with a Luperci-made wooden spatula, they chattered back and forth a little about their packmembers; neither Rurik nor Liliy had met any of them. Well, Rurik knew Strelein from before he was a member here—but that was all. And of course they both knew Vigilante, as he had been the one to accept them. The silver-furred werewolf figured everyone here was probably just as nice—two of however many (Rurik didn't even know how many packmates he had) was certainly a good start.

A tug on the end of the pole distracted Rurik for a moment, leaving Liliya to greet Zasha. The hybrid woman's face tilted upwards to greet the newcomer, a slow smile spreading across her face. She lacked her father's social abilities, but she had his sunny smile, to be certain. “Thank you, Zasha. Mine Otets teach me how to cook. This ees almost done—do you want?” Liliya asked, her accent heavy and thick, her English still quite slow. She had made remarkable progress since arriving here, but she still had quite a way to go, of course. Liliy prodded at the fish again with the carved spatula, testing its firmness. It didn't much matter to Luperci about food safety and proper cooking temperature; it was a matter of taste. Sliding the spatula beneath the fish, she lifted it up and reached back into their bag, pulling out one of the wooden plates they'd brought along. There were numerous goodies in the bag, most of them useful for fishing, some of them good for eating. As Liliy handed the plate off toward the newcomer, Rurik's line gave a distinctive tug.

“Got another feesh coming,” Rurik said, twisting his head back around. Another wolf was approaching—what luck! As the man approached, he commented on the smell, which brought a grin to Rurik's face, though he was presently occupied with reeling the fish in. When he'd landed it, he stood up and headed back over to Liliy and the other woman, intending to properly introduce himself and everything. “No interruption! It is good t'meet you, Niro, and you, Zasha,” the man said, turning toward the first woman, smiling warmly. “I am Rurik Russo, and this is mine daughter, Liliya,” he said to both of his new packmates. Both of the Russos were smiling, though Liliy's eyes were downcast, and Rurik had a writhing fish on the end of his line. “Hungry, Niro?” the elder male said, lifting up the fish. “I will cook eet for you,” Liliy offered, her tail wagging.

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