strained voices crying wolf when nobody can hear.
mall-caps;color:#ffffff;line-height:7px;font-size:10px;">Up ahead there was a curve approaching.
She made no indications of slowing.

_____"Maybe," she agreed, unwilling to answer either way. Kezia believed only in what she saw, and what she'd seen showed nothing of a benevolent creator drowning his subjects in goodwill, but rather monsters and devils born of mortals themselves, tearing apart and destroying everything they touched. They were all the gods and demons and sinners themselves, looking to the sky for answers when the world around them failed to serve their fantasies. Failed to show anything but the pointlessness and misery of life. She was the nihilist willing to search for something more, yet unable to believe. The agnostic who crossed himself when entering a church, hushing his voice simply for the sake of others.
_____Once again attention shifted to the stone before them, quietly regarding the thing before lips parted to break her silence. "What is it?" she asked, gaze not breaking from the carved surface of the rock. It was a dead thing, this she could tell. Once alive, perhaps, but now it was just cold stone, rough and silent beneath her touch, if she so dared to reach out and brush her fingertips across the surface. But she didn't. It wasn't hers, and so she'd keep her distance, reminded vaguely of the place her father had raised her. The place that was the closest to anything on this earth to being hers, yet wasn't. The forest had been like a scar on the land, burnt to ash and cinders from the green-eyed woman who'd attempted to destroy the world, choosing suicide over life and trying to take everything and everyone else with her. It'd never grow back, even after a hundred-thousand years, cursed forever by the malignant, malicious nature of the mad pseudo-queen.
_____Her's forever, until the end of days when the sun fell to the earth and burned everything in it's wake.

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