i knew the pathway like the back of my hand
http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g210/ ... geneva.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

The name that Ruri mentioned was somewhat familiar - or at leas the surname was. Geneva knew that the former Matriarch of her own pack had been Iskata Sadira, and she had met some sort of tragic end. Also, one of her friends from her former pack bore that same surname. It was not much of a stretch to assume that the friend Ruri spoke of was related to one of those two that she knew or knew of. For a moment, Geneva was startled by how small the world could be. Creatures and places could be tied so closely together. She only hoped that the world wasn't so small that the battles and strife of Dahlia de Mai and Inferni would spill over and entangle those were not involved in the initial violence.

"I'm sorry to hear about the woman who sustained damage," Geneva said, and she truly was. She did not like to imagine anyone in pain or under attack, even her own enemies. She would defend herself and her own, certainly, but she could not be inspired to violence unless she was answering to it. Ruri had confirmed that this pack was uninvolved in the war, and so the fact that one of its members had been injured anyway was completely disheartening. Geneva knew next to nothing of war, and she knew that the world didn't work in such a way that innocents were kept away from conflict. Still, she had hoped that the war would be better contained, at least.

"If I hear anything, even the slightest thing about the war, I will let you know or send someone to tell you," Geneva said. She could see that Ruri was peace-loving as herself. Geneva would not want something negative to happen to this woman, and keeping open lines of communication was probably the best way to keep everyone safe.


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