in a trail of fire I know we will be free again

Gabriel knew, and he knew well, that if he were to fall in any way Haku would kill him. He knew this, and he knew that he was fighting a downhill battle. Haku had come in his Secui form, as always, and Gabriel was in his lupus. For now there was no contest—especially as long as his fellow coyotes battled against who knew how many. A call went up not far from them and in that moment, the Aquila understood that this was futile. He could not destroy the beast so long as he had his allies. A snarl of displeasure ripped from his throat at this realization, and just as suddenly Haku’s teeth and his own were snapping at one and another’s faces, cutting fine lines into his face.

Then, suddenly, Gabriel struck the beast close to the eye and earned himself a moment of opportunity. Gabriel retreated away from the chocolate wolf and lifted his head long enough to let out a loud, coyote howl. It was a sign for retreat, one that reached to the far end of Dahlia. He would not risk more of his own coyotes, especially given that they were on enemy territory. Then he let out a growling challenge to Haku and began to run. If he could draw the beast away from his coyotes, they would make it home.

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