Do you believe in something?
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     As before, standing behind the tree with Mati so close made it seem as if time had stopped. The last time had been in a good way, but now it just stressed her even more than she already had been. What would happen? Was Mati looking for her, or had their paths merely crossed by accident? If the Church fey found her location (and she probably would, considering Cambria wasn't hiding all that well) and wanted to talk, what could be said? Honestly, Cambria had no idea what she would say. She felt like she was suspended in midair without flying or falling. The stasis of her situation was maddening and she just wanted it to go one way or the other. At this point, getting hurt even further seemed preferable to being trapped in this gray area.

     Her voice was called again, closer this time, but still she did not answer. Ocean blue and green eyes clamped shut, too afraid to see what would come next. The voice didn't sound like a voice that had no desire to see her or be around her, but that could have been her ears hearing what they wanted to hear. Surely Mati didn't want to see her, for that had become clear to her after their last encounter. Her heart thudded painfully at the remembrance of their embrace. That moment had seemed so full of hope and joy and it had shattered so quickly that she had been forced into pessimism. Nothing would happen between them, no matter how badly she hoped things would change.

     For a few more agonizing moments there was nothing but silence and the sounds of their breathing and she thought that perhaps Mati would turn away and leave after all. But then footsteps, coming closer and while her eyes opened they remained firmly downcast. She may not be able to run, but she couldn't look the older fey in the eyes either. Mati was in front of her now, apologizing, but for what she wasn't certain. Was that guilt in the other's voice? She wasn't sure, and once again she didn't trust her ears. Her shoulders shrugged halfheartedly, gaze dancing closer to the taller wolf's face before flitting away again. "Did you need me for something?" Cambria's voice was dull and neutral, defeated. All hope that things would turn around for the better having been erased from her mind.


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