I'm beginning to hear voices
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... kka2-2.png); background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

No matter what wrongs Kaena had done, no matter what they disagreed upon, Rikka could never claim that the Lykoi matron did not love her. Did not love all her children. Perhaps some more than others, but she knew that she loved her and she needed that now more than anything. More than promises of vengeance or angry words at her attacker. Rikka needed her mother's love. Love would heal her more than other things, she had to believe that. If she lost that belief then she would lose everything she had become and she had already lost so much. The assault had cracked something deep inside her and she wasn't sure if it could even be fully repaired.

Kaena stroked her hair and dried her tears and Rikka felt herself transported back to childhood. She wished she were small again so her mother could hold her so completely again. She hadn't felt this kind of security since leaving Gabriel's cave and she clung to it now that it was offered again. As her mother carefully hugged her she leaned against her, nuzzling against her, doing everything that had used to make her feel warm and content. What she felt was a mere shadow of before, but it was better than nothing. "I know," she said. She did believe that. While Inferni still stood, he wouldn't get to her here. "He haunts me though." Her words were punctuated with a whine, feeling that cold, blue gaze on the back of her neck even now.

The change in her mother was instant, she could feel it seep into her where their bodies touched and she almost regretted bringing it up at all. The last thing she wanted was to bring up all the ghosts Kaena had been fighting. At least she could assure her mother that she hadn't suffered a similar fate. "No." He had not violated her body in that way, and for that at least she could be thankful. Still, Rikka knew that she had faced a horrible, long, drawn-out death at the talons of that man and it made her heart quiver.


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