Do you believe in something?


She waited, pleaded for a change in the other female’s face, and the air around her. The same feeling of unknowing that she had felt the day she had begun Cambi’s painting were back in full force. But Mati had a defense; she had knowledge to fight it and to quell the questions. They were not gone or all answered to the fullest, though she did know what she had said to Cambi was the truth and that she felt as such. And, if Mati had never sought her or it she walked away now she would regret it forever. Cambria’s feelings were paramount and to hurt her again would be destroy the Church woman, but when the violet eyed fey looked past the wellbeing of the other female she realized that how she would feel was easily found. It was that she would never feel right again. A life plagued with questions that could never be answered. Her current confusion was on the path of a dawning light; if she turned away she would forever be in the dark.

And the chocolate female did change; Mati could feel the ripple in the air around her. Tangible as it always was, it was thick with their insecurities, heavy with tension. But there was something else, something that made her ears raise from her crown. They took in her voice, the voice that she recognized and the tone that made her heart skip. But her stomach twisted as well, unsure what would be said. The words, they meant so much and hit the larger female hard in the chest. She had made her feel that way, unwanted and strange. Strange to Mati, who had lived in a family that would mimic their own if such a day would ever been seen. The wolfess looked into the green oceans of Cambria’s gaze, her words stolen for a moment. She hated that anyone had made her feel such a way, and hated herself for being the one that did.

”No.” She spoke, her voice soft by not with weakness but with warmth. “I don’t think your strange.” Mati took a breath, her eyes still on the other woman, her voice had seemingly lost the words. The Dreamer tried to understand the feelings and what happened to be spoke was, ”I think your … I was, am still a little confused.” She corrected mid-sentence, but nothing seemed to weigh her voice down now. Her eyes glistened, but it was as if a new life had come to them. With a heavy exhale, “I think your overwhelming.” she spoke with a small but growing smile. Overwhelming, in a good way. A way that gave her world a reason to turn.

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