What remains
[html]<style type="text/css">#ásmundrdec29 b {color:#4b525d; font-weight:bold;} #ásmundrdec29 {margin:auto; width:455px; padding:10px; padding-bottom:150px; border:1px solid #fff; background:url(http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/l ... enshot.png) bottom no-repeat #8d9297; font:12px georgia; color:#bec0c3; line-height:12px; text-align:justify;}</style>
I'm sorry for the extra wait time for this, I actually thought I had replied to this last week D: <3 i suxx sorries 300+

He seemed to trust her enough to hand her the odd little thing, and her hand instantly cupped the shiny toy as if it was in need of dire protection. It would have been quite embarrassing to drop the lovely object and see it scatter on the hard floor. No, she did not wish for such a thing to happen. Two fingers softly stroke it, as if the lifeless thing somehow could come to life and become the animal it represented if it just was shown enough love. She listened to his words and nodded when he sought confirmation on the metal creature’s cuteness. It was indeed quite adorable, even without the furry look. It was not a stuffed toy wiht soft body, but apparently the idea was to give it life, so it was pretty amazing. Her smile seemed to falter slightly when he mentioned that he wanted to give it to the “kiddies” around here. Were there any young puppies about? It was not at all the time for young members. Halo had yet to realize that her younger cousins had arrived. ”Are there any kiddies around here?” she wondered, allowing the possibility that he was better informed than her to live.

”I like it a lot, have you really made it all by yourself?” she softly teased, looking up at the male with warmth and even a hint of adoration. He continued to hint about his abilities with human artifacts and she did not have issues believing that he was handier with such things than most other members were. Halo could not fix anything to save her life, safe for the twin guns she had retrieved and fixed up. That had taken months though, and a piece in one of the two guns had somehow managed to rust because she had been really horrible at taking care of it. Perhaps this male could fix it? She quite adored her bullet spewing weapons and it would break her heart if all the long hours had been wasted. Her smile started to widen again and her gaze lazily narrowed as she looked the rather attractive male over with an enchanted expression. ”I believe you must be quite gifted.”

Table credit : Chelsie(Ásmundr)[/html]

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