I didn't know you could stop being a God.

The world was falling apart: the sky (what sky?) was dissolving the the earth was crumbling away at their feet. The apocalypse. But he had been through this so many times already, in his head, in someone else's head, and some twisted combination of that he would never understand -- it was all part of some cycle of life, love, misery, and death, and misery was always given the most power, the most emphasis. And so it phased him none if he had to tumble more through the darkness. He was the darkness, the hell, and everything. He was madness and chaos, a lack of control and too much of it. He didn't make sense, so why should it bother him when nothing else did?

Oh, yeah? he crooned sweetly, maintaining his crisp grin, What're you so afraid of, darlin'? You know nothin' matters in the end, so why so feisty? His feet were falling, but he walked still.


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