Just Past Midnight

ooc... WC 302

Her joyous laughter could not be contained as he protested her untimely birthday party. She stopped bouncing on the bed, thankfully momentarily stopping the thudding of the headboard against the wall, but did not get down from her station. At his second protest, she pouted.

“No I couldn’t have come ‘at a decent hour.’ Not only is it our birthday, it's our first birthday! It’s five minutes past midnight, I was almost too late!” She giggled as she pulled off a chunk of cake and tasted it. She pretended to be enthralled with the flavor, and if it was not an act then she had not baked the cake herself. She was a notoriously bad cook. When she tried, or rather, when she didn't screw around, she could conjure up a decent meal. But too often she would add ingredients to food just because they were pretty, or because she wanted to see how it would react. “You know, when humans were alive, they developed so slowly they couldn't even remember their first birthday?! I don't know how they survived as long as they did. I guess it's no wonder about what happened to them, then."

“Mmm... Quit whining and have some cake!” She laughed as she shoved her hand into Niro’s face, smearing confection and icing on her brother’s muzzle before licking it off of her own fingers.

Finally she jumped down from her spot, too hyper to be graceful and silence the thud of her feet against the ground. She set the plate onto the desk and turned to Niro, grinning from ear-to-ear. She held up her hand, the pouch wrapped around her wrist swayed like a pendulum. She wriggled her arm and the pouch worked down into her fingers. She held it out to her brother. “Got you something!”


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