Do you believe in something?
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     Her skin tingled at their contact, her heart swelling. Cambria almost, almost, was happy that she hadn't thought that this would happen, because now that it was it felt all the more wonderful. Her pessimism hadn't been warranted and now she felt as if she could sing along with the birds. She didn't, of course. She didn't know the first thing about singing, but the urge was there nonetheless. Being so close now, and touching even just the slightest bit made her crave for more contact. Cambria wasn't thinking about intimacy in that way (at least not consciously), it was only the desire to be physically close to the person that her heart yearned for. Whenever she was close to Mati her heart pulled her toward the other female like a magnet. She had felt that the last time and she felt it again now, stronger this time. Stronger because she knew for certain now that her feelings were shared and she wasn't the odd one out. Others could think what they willed, but it didn't matter to her, not so long as Mati wanted to be with her.

     It surprised the Marino girl to see Mati react as she would at her compliment. She had never seen Mati act so shy and bashful before and for whatever reason it made her heart go out to the elder fey even more. In her eyes, Mati was nothing but beautiful. Her coat reflected all the hues of the Earth, her hair was wavy like that of her mother which she had always found pretty. Her eyes were like bright jewels, sparkling in the daylight. Cambria nodded her head, swaying their clasped hands slightly. "Yes, and loud too." She could feel the beat reverberate through her whole form and she wouldn't have been surprised if Mati could indeed hear it. It seemed thunderous to her in the silence of the calm spring day. Her eyes smiled along with her lips as she looked up at her tall friend (perhaps more than just a friend now?). Chocolate tail swished back and forth, also displaying her happiness.


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