you eat my kind for breakfast
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y halo thar! 300+

The sky was overcast, but rain did not pour down from the heavens and so Nayati had decided to talk a walk around the territory which had become a bit of a custom to him. The muscular optime made his rounds around the tribe's land, Onawa by his side. The two walked in comfortable silence, both simply taking in what their keen eyes saw. Having been together for so long now had made it so that verbal communication between them was not necessary most of the time. As a youth such deep and profound silences had bothered him to an extent, but when he had started on the path of a hunter he had quickly learned the value of it. If one could not be comfortable in the stillness of the world then they would never be an efficient predator, and so he had adapted..

As he came around a bend two unfamiliar scents came to his nose. Pale blue gaze became that of a raptor's as it searched out the owners of the two scents. It finally settled on the form of a woman and a youth, presumably mother and son. The Tsisdu Kanati strode forward to meet the two, not noticing the crow that perched in the branches, but Onawa did and recognized it as one of her own. The puma kept the information to herself though, as she would often do, a lesson for Nayati to be more observant. Coming up to the pair the Utina nodded his head in greeting. "How is it that I may help you?" He had no idea that this woman had been a part of the tribe before he had made the trek from the original AniWaya. Nor that this was the sister of the woman Tayui that he had met.


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