Do you believe in something?
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     Before she hadn't felt wanted or needed, not even the last time. It had been her own attraction that had drawn her to Mati. The feeling of being wanted was new, still small and needing to grow, but now she felt that tug as well and she almost could have cried for how happy it made her feel. Outside of her immediate family, Cambria had never felt that anyone would ever need her or ever want her. She was extraordinary, unimportant. The only thing she saw that made her remotely important was being the daughter of the Commander, but even that weight hadn't been felt by the girl. In the days following her accident, she had often wondered what would happen if she had died and had most often come to the conclusion that nothing would have changed in the greater scheme of things. These thoughts sometimes returned to her in her low moments and made her whole being ache with how little importance she garnered. She didn't want to feel that way, but she hadn't had the self confidence to dismiss it. Right now though, she felt important and she didn't want that to ever go away.

     Cambi's ears pricked forward as Mati first breathed deeply and then spoke, heart leaping at the mere sound of her voice. "Yeah?" the girl questioned. She wanted to know more, to know everything that she made Mati think and feel. Even more than that though, she just wanted to know the Church wolf inside and out. To know her better than she even knew herself. The movement of their held hands was unexpected, but no part of her fought it, letting Mati guide her hand. As it was placed on the earthen hued chest immense warmth shot up her arm and she could feel her cheeks flush slightly. She could feel the pulsing of that heart and it drew her in. Without even thinking, Cambi moved forward, slowly, coming closer to the other's torso. Then, gently, she pressed an ear to that same chest her hand rested on. The beat amplified in her cupped ear, and soon the beats became one, matching.

     Their fingers still entwined, the Marino mirrored the other femme's movements from before, bringing Mati's hand to rest on her own chest. "They're the same," she whispered ever so softly, as if saying it louder would break the shared rhythm.


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