Guarding the gates
Baby I've been here before

Sorry if some of this seems gmodded. I can change it.

I know this room, I've walked this floor

Hanna should have known that she'd be spotted long before she reached even the foot of his hill, let alone the crest, but she charged onward all the same. He turned to her and launched his own counterattack, and as the two creatures came together, he won over, managing a hold on the side of her neck, just behind her ear in the tender flesh and slightly shorter fur. The shock of the pain and blood flow brought her around from her momentary insanity as the two of them tumbled downhill, the male's weight and bulk effectively halting and reversing her forward motion and bearing them down to the ground. The female's head struck a stone on the way down, and her vision faded.

When her sight cleared, several minutes later -- she could tell by the position of the sun that it hadn't been long -- she was beneath a tawny-furred wolf that was missing an ear and looked oddly like the one that had set her off. The portion of neck behind her right ear hurt, as did the base of her skull. With a shake of her head which sent the world reeling, Hanna realized what had happened, and, smacking her lips to produce saliva for her dried tongue, muttered, "I really need to work on my attack pattern." She knew he'd make her remunerate for this, but how was another matter.

Casting an uneasy glance around, Hanna noted two important facts, neither of which were helpful: One, their headlong tumble down the hill had landed her near her knives, which she couldn't use because she wasn't in her Optimus form, and Two, there was nobody else around and even if she yelled, he could silence her before anyone answered. A whimper escaped from her throat at the desperateness of the situation that she'd created.


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