Enter the babysitter
Okay so I just can't post these sad things with Mew anymore because.. well she's dead :/ Fade and close here, does this work for you guys?
The book is Darwin's "Origin of the Species"



Alexey inquired, though she didn't seem soothed by what Mew had said; at least not by much. Conor said nothing, but it was as if the two were together about it, even if they expressed it differently. Mew smiled and was still for a moment, trying to figure out a way to say these things. Alexey probably would not like it, and already Mew felt bad. It wasn't as if she was going to die anytime soon, Hanna and Conor had seen to that, but Alexey was already a substitute mother in many ways and for many pups; Mew would hate to think it would be another burden on her shoulders. But, she had decided that it was only Alexey and her nephews she could trust with these, once she had ruled Hanna out of the equation. Hanna lived in AniWaya, but Mew wanted the children in Dahlia de Mai; it was that easy. "Alexey; I would trust you with anything, and you are clearly my best friend in the world." She paused; this was already sounding like some very formal occasion, as if she was holding a speech. She did not like that, and shook her head as if to shake off this sensation. "This is the third time I've almost died, but now I have children to take care of, and no mate. We're at war, too. If I should die sometime when they're still young, would you take care of them?" Her face was apologetic, but at the same time it tried to soothe the female, anticipating the feelings that might come from hearing such words. In truth, Alexey was the best friend Mew had ever had, and now she felt horrible for saying these things. But everything was different now, and she could not ignore the responsibilities she had as a mother.


Her gaze moved to Conor, and now she smiled instead. This subject was much nicer. "Conor; my favourite student?" Oh now she was being so formal and weird again. Resisting the urge to shake her head a little once more, she just continued with a smile as if she hadn't been so awkward. "You're such a good reader now, and I was hoping you'd accept something from me." She merely pointed towards the corner of the room, not wanting to get up. In fact, she wasn't even allowed to get up, so that math was easy. "There's a big weird book in the corner, about all sorts of animals. It was human idea that in time, everything develops into something better." She'd read parts of the book, and though one could see the theory in a wholly different perspective, that was the conclusion she'd drawn. Something always changed, and when it did, it changed into something better, stronger, more beautiful. The young male liked to read, and even if he didn't like the book he now owned it. And that was that. "You don't have to read it unless you want to. I just thought it was interesting." She smiled, wearily now, and let her head sink back a little. Her neck strained whenever she wanted to keep her head up, and now it was giving her a headache.


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