The Silence
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TT-TT I had a good, long post, but then I lost it. So this will be crap. XD But I loved the start! <3
Wc: 800~

She'd be lying to say that she hadn't been waiting for this day for months.

Ghita had never been that much of a girly-girl, to say the least. Her four-legged form had been in the forefront for three years, never requiring any attention to make something more of what she had, in stark contrast to her bipedal form. Five piercings were all that adorned her body, three in the ear and two in the lip, but that was barely worth noting - her prides and joy, what set her body apart from the rest. Her pelt was a dull dusty colour, accented with silver at the tips and an ivory underbelly, all hues decidedly average and nothing to look at twice.

Now, everything was different. She was a mother, the pillar and rock to two of Crimson Dreams' youngest pack members, the one that she hoped they'd go to at their first heartbreak, their first joys... even seeing Sophia bounce along the path as she did now was uplifting to her heart. She couldn't help but let her ebony lips peel back to reveal pearly teeth in a wide smile, holding a bell-like laugh from disturbing the air around them. Keeping one eye trained at Sophia at all times, her mind was left to wander as she walked towards the city, a faint smile always present.

Had this been what she'd been grieving all this time without knowing it? The loss of her other litter, back in Italy with Carlo, at first the grief had been simply for the lives that had died inside of her. But she had missed so much more without knowing it, every small moment that Aro and Sophia gave her was a gift that she hoped they'd one day understand. Every day with Jazper, Aro and Sophia had become so much more, the parents becoming an efficient parenting machine, keeping both youngsters out of trouble when the other required some alone time, or some distance. There was no room left in her heart for grief, the sheer size of Jazper and Aro explaining enough.

But how much one-on-one time did the parents really get with the kids? Ghita knew that Jazper took Aro out for a day, a special Knight ritual that the mother didn't know much about, but Ghita hadn't been holding up her end of the bargain. It was true, giving birth to Sophia and Aro had taken a lot out of the young fae, but she had been sitting around for too long now, stagnant in the attention her children so well deserved.

Shaken out of her thoughts by the light tone that Sophia voiced, Ghita's whole body turned back towards her auburn daughter. It was if her very hormones, her very instincts had changed once she became a mother; her senses were always tuned to the well-being of her offspring. They could be a handful at times, it was true (and how Savina managed to do it with three puppies was beyond her - even with more on the way!), but every handful she scooped up with earnest, overjoyed to be a part of their lives.

"You want to learn Italian, caro?" Looking down to her daughter, Ghita barely fought off the need to scoop her into her arms, breathe in the scent of puppyhood and bury her muzzle in the downy pelt that belonged to her offspring. The need to be with them was constant, to hold them everlasting, causing a mixture of joy and agony to settle around the mother. Chuckling now at Sophia's request, she nodded, re-tying her light-hued sari around her hips. "Yes, your Aunt and Uncle speak it to - we all lived in Italy at one point."

Barely able to stifle a giggle at the mention of 'Uncle' Anslem, she couldn't imagine the Inferni male knowing any language other than English. Apparently the bond that the Marino sisters had with him was apparent to the youngsters, and Ghita had to smile at that. Anslem was a friend of the family, but his current warring situation caused her to worry, desperate for news of his well-being. "Nono, Anslem doesn't speak Italian. Cousin Cambria knows a little as well, though."

The topic effectively extinguished, Ghita's mind turned towards what they could find at the stores in Halifax. Marveling at the fact that Sophia and Aro were nearly at the time when Crimson Dreamers learned how to shift, she couldn't help but remember how she had only learned last year, from Jazper himself. In fact, clothing for the youngsters hadn't been Ghita's idea; She'd been too perplexed at the sudden age of her children. It was Jazper that brought up the need for clothing. "Do you have anything in mind as to what you want to get here?"

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