Everything has changed...
OOC: Tis okay Smile Wanna keep it going and get it finished so that way I can do a puppy request and get them adopted out.


Angel shivered a little as she sat back down on the rock still visibly shaken by what had happened to her the night before. Finally she began to sob into her hands. "I .. I was raped last night. Attacked and forcibly raped! My ex-mate after three years of not seeing him hunted me down and tried to kill me. Had it not been for Pendez and Ty... I don't know! How could I let myself become so weak?" she sobbed loudly for only a couple moments before forcing it back down. She hated crying like this. It was not something she enjoyed too well for the most part. She wanted to be strong for others but how could she be strong if she was not strong for herself?

Angel soon wiped the tears and smiled once more, or at least forced it, to make her look like she was trying to feel better when inside she knew she felt dirtied, torn apart, soiled and other things that made her feel ugly. At least the one who had committed it had been killed by Pendez. She couldn't remember anything else that happened and that was what saddened her the most.

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