Luperci Maturity
Characters can reproduce at 15 months of age. As for when they start having sex, I believe it's entirely up to the player. There is an age chart here that shows what their ages would be compared to humans, and I suppose that it would be a good thing to use when judging. For example, Princess and Haven got drunk and went at it at 11 months, which seems really young until you consider that they were the equivalent of 16 or so years, human-wise.

I also found this (from this page) that might help:
Both Luperci and non-Luperci are officially sexually mature (able to reproduce) at fifteen months. If the individual so desires, sexual activity may start before this time, but no pregnancy can occur before they are fifteen months of age. Note that this is more lenient than reality, where wolves are usually sexually mature at two years.

Of course, there may be something that I'm not aware of, but I'm pretty sure this should help? Feel free to step in if I missed something, I just wanted to answer since I actually. . . Think I know the answer. xD;

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