my work's not done
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Neither Xeris nor Xion had noticed the approaching female at first; they were both busied with the stream and the pup's attempts at fishing. When the newcomer spoke, however, Xeris' ears flicked forward and she turned in the direction of the voice, slightly startled. She hadn't been expecting anyone to suddenly appear like that. "Oh, hello," she said cheerfully. "Yep, we're out getting some fishing practice. A mother-daughter thing." She smiled and looked over to her daughter, who hadn't even noticed that anything else was going on. Xeris herself remembered her own days of youth, when she could splash about in the river near her home. That river had inherited a name from the humans, she recalled, but that name was never used.

"I don't believe I've met you yet," the ivory-colored mother said kindly. "I'm Xeris, and this is my daughter Xion." Upon hearing her name, the pup turned around and piped up, "What is it, mama?" It didn't take the little one long to notice the stranger. At her age she was beginning to recognize the scent of the Valley, and she could smell it on this woman too. Wandering over between her mother and the unfamiliar woman, she looked upward with her mismatched eyes, waiting in a curious silence to see what happened next.

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