Shake My Shadow

sort is gud ;D

Minos was slow. Slow to grow to the full form he was, slow to mature and he had never really gained any self worth or purpose. Not even now. The turning of his blood was slow as well, the form that the other male donned was something he wasn't even sure if he could turn to yet. The clues were all there, and Mino was simply very slow in putting them all together. The Semyon werewolf was giving a bit of insight into the uses of such a body, but how he got it and where it came from Minos was still unsure. It seemed... useful for self protection (as was his main focus), but he thought that perhaps it could be used for the other things all of the alpha's minions were planted within the pack to do. White head nodded, taking in the idea of finding the pieces and actually constructing things out of them. He had never made anything, not in his entire life.

"I don't know, all winter maybe" He admitted, keeping track of things was never strong suit for the wolf. "You?" he asked, knowing it was polite to ask and be interested in return. He paused, and then let the question he had been holding come forth. "You ever use that stuff against a coyote?" They where the enemy of course.


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