
She had heard the call while out patrolling the borders. Her ears perked up at the sound, frowning slightly when she realized it was Deuce. She hoped the other female was alright - she had not spoken to either Lucifer or Deuce since Deuce's admission of Shadow's death, and was a little concerned for the other. With this thought in mind, she began to shift into her Secui form to reach her destination sooner. She shivered slightly as she shifted, twitching at one point when her paws began to change. She frequented her Optime and Lupus forms far more often, and thus always found her Secui form somewhat exotic. It was vastly useful, and would make her task of reaching Deuce much easier.

She nodded quickly to herself and set off in the direction of the howl, running south. In her Lupus form, it would have taken her twenty minutes to reach Deuce, but she arrived even before she knew it. She took a few deep breaths before advancing, noticing at once that Deuce was not alone. Lucifer, and a female that resembled Deuce in an uncanny way was also present. She frowned, standing away from the group, watching them for a few moments before speaking. "Yes?" She had no reason to say any more - whatever they needed, they would tell her. She could only guess as to what the situation involved.


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