S.t.e.p by S.t.e.p

So I just checked out your art, it's really awesome! I love the most recent stuff, that style's always been one of my favorites.

It was like something entirely new had swept into her body, rushing up through the air and into her lungs. He saw her eyes change. A fire blossomed in them, the same fire that had been born into his when his life was granted. She would owe him nothing—she would owe nothing to any master anymore. Larkspur’s lips pulled up, exposing his ivory teeth in a wicked smile. Something remarkable was happening now. She was being reborn, and it was he, Larkspur D’Angelo, who would bring her into this new life. Such power felt unfamiliar but not unwelcomed. He sucked in the air, attempting to taste the emotions rolling from her thin form, and lifted the blade to her neck.

One fell swoop broke the metal cleanly, sending the third and final pin flying into the air. Where it fell he did not see, for his attention was focused entirely on the woman. The collar swung wide and fell in a heap, still bound by those heavy chains and rusted memories. They lay in the grass and wet earth, powerless, and he dropped the shears next to them. All of these things would need destroyed—he would see to this in the same way that the Khalif always destroyed the wicked.

But for now, he had something else to keep his attention.“Can y’talk?” He asked rather bluntly. Even after so long, Larkspur was still ineloquent and rough.

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