Do you believe in something?

always worth it!!

What was happening within her could not be described. It was like something grand was being built, something huge that began within her heart and spread through each vein, each fiber, each nerve, each cell that was used to create her mortal being. It grounded her, and it brought her closer to the other female in a way she had never experienced. And then, at the very same moment she felt like she was unraveling. Dispersing into the air, lighter then the white feathers of a dandelion, freer then a bird in flight. Everything that she had built began to crumble. All the walls that she had dawn across her soul, forged with the hopes that perhaps she would be protected against the harsh winds of other’s ill will were dust. Everything was exposed, everything that Mati had to offer, and in that moment she was ready to give it.

Fingers felt the softness on her mane, lost in the tendrils that fell so perfectly across Cambria’s shoulders. Mati could feel the fragility of her, but it was not seen as a weakness but a beauty. Nothing about the female was frail, nothing powerless. There was a captivation that Mati felt each time she looked to those green and blue eyes Nothing described them. They were the sea, but yet she had not know the ocean that owned such splendor. They were a green and a blue that nature itself could not replicate, no flower, no drop of rain or blade of grass held the color that could hold Mati’s own gaze like a velvet padded vice. Soft and pleasant and yet unmoving. And there were all the things that she had yet to discover, the mysteries that drew her closer and made her want Cambria more. The things that she had not yet found the words to describe, the feelings that could not be names but that Mati willingly accepted.

Lips touched, and Mati felt the tremble run through her. She tried to control it, and the single shiver run up her spine. Never had she knew such closeness, never had she touched another in such a way, and never would she want to touch any other. Her lips were soft and sweet to the touch, and an ecstatic jolt ran from them in into Mati. Her breath was lost, taken from her as it passed though her form. Her heart was wild in her ears, the hammering blanketing the silence of the empty wilderness around them. Her hand grew weak, and she was unsure if her legs would buckle. Her fingers did not leave the other female’s mane, but her eyes opened and she moved her head backwards slowly as the kiss drew to the point where her lung began to ache ever so slightly, pleading for air. As right as it felt, Mati wondered if it felt the same for her, eyes searching her face while a smile formed on her own. Her purple gaze found that Cambria was even more beautiful, the hue of her orbs holding her in place, heart fluttering as if she looked at for the first time, but in a whole new light.

Her voice had a ragged quality, as if she had just run a marathon. The words may have broken the pristine moment, but the emotions and the energy would not be so easily shadowed by a few simple words. "Was that okay?" Mati hoped that it was, and yearned to be perfect for her.

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