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no worries! happy to wait for you!! Big Grin

It was not much a walk, in a scenic sense. Heath found all of the forests familiar as well as the rocky coastlines and hidden meadows in this particular Cour des Miracles region. Though he did not go to the hotel often, the path was well traveled and worn to make it easy for any beast to come and go as they please between the two destinations.

“I have never seen one either, outside of pictures. I tend to stay to my normal hiding places, only leaving the pack lands for supplies from the city and to patrol the borders.” his world was a small one, perhaps his early life of traveling had made him desire the sort of structure that he had created here. To and from the stables and then any other duties he was to perform. He would try to venture off more, to become for familiar with the pack lands that the stables and his cabin were not the only things he considered is home.

They stayed silent for a moment, and then Annan brought forth an interesting question and one that Heath needed to think over. There were many things that he already knew of her, things that he had never known about someone only having just met them. Still, he could easily assume that there was more to her then just those few things. And instead of going with his first instinct to simply say no, Heath did indeed ask, “Did you leave, or did they make you?” Heath did not know what sort of vibe she gave injunction with the topic. He would lean to the side that she simply left, but he was still unsure. It was a good thing to know about another that was standing within his homelands. It said a lot about them, as well as where they came from.

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