I'm Physically, Mentally Over Obsessed With You

Ooc: © Beautiful Table Image to Twisty <333;; Also, this can be a read only, or this can actually be a thread, if someone takes interest, then it can be anyone meeting my crazy baby here. Marked mature for random things that may happen in this thread. PM ME(on Daisuke's account) IF YOU PLAN ON POSTING HERE

" I really don't remember where I ended up. I don't understand how i got to this place, this dark place that I cannot recognize. I left Zirenta...When I was two. Two and a half. I am now three. I believe. I don't remember my birthday. Sinaha had come to me the other day, she told me that I would be okay. The gods come to me every once and awhile now, since I'm alone. I mean, I haven't been in the presence of another being in such a long time. I also recently figured out that I lived in my lupus form for no reason on Zirenta. I am an ortus, a born luperci. I was able to shift, and still am. I remembered and concentrated on what I remembered from Nova Scotia when I was there. This has been the form I ave been using for a few weeks now, I can presume. I really don't keep track of time any more. I can't measure the days, the hours I spend wasting my time, the ones wasted as me being one of my alters. Yes, I have come to be aware that the gods not only still show themselves to me, but they also can take over because I'm nothing but a pathetic loser that can't do anything for himself. " The luperci you may recognize here is none other than Kujo Larose. Loveless to some. Hanzu Tezuma, Tobias Jaegere, or Sinaha Yamoto as well. Kujo knew all of his personalities on a personal level, because not only did they inhabit his body at times, but they talked to him as well. Try Identity Dissociative Disorder with a side of fucking Schizophrenia. What you get it a big heaping plate of one fucked up sad son of a bitch. He had so many chances at love, and every time, some stupid asshole had to scare them away. "Kujo, you know that you're the one to blame for that right? I know I'm not the most civil, but I'm not the one who comes out and pushes away your little sister who was only trying to teach you love man." the feline had a point. Kujo's fangs showed, face wrinkling, and glasses being pushed back. " Shut up Hanzu. That little brat wouldn't be able to teach me shit. She didn't know love. She didn't know anything about life. She was simply a pup. Innocence, Hanzu. She loved everything because she didn't see the demons of the world." Kujo himself was very intelligent, it wasn't surprising that Tobias would hang out with Kujo. " She was the cutest little thing. That little Lore. I wonder how beautiful she is now. I wonder how the family is doing. Kujo, you so should turn lupus and go back. Go back and see them, just one last time." the Giant Panda had spoken to the Canine. " Sinaha. They think I'm dead, I can't possibly go back there. They'd think that I was a ghost. Plus..." the male could feel his heart tug. " The Faceless' are there. " his heart sank, iced, locked, and chained down. His maw curved in a snarl as he had walked along the broken concrete. " Where the fuck am I? Tobias, care to tell? I'm sure you read some maps." after all, Tobias was the only one smart enough to learn to read. "The humans called this city, Los Angeles. You're in California, bud. This was where all of the fancy pants humans lived. Actors mainly. Anybody in entertainment though as well." the hawk had cawed out to the Luperci. Kujo cocked his head. This place might be interesting. You see, Kujo read a lot of books when Tobias had been taking over. His nose would always be in a book. It was also a reason that Kujo wore glasses. He didn't need them, Tobias insisted though, he said that it protected his eyes from the sun, and when the night came, there was no need for the tinted glasses. Kujo sometimes would just walk around without the lenses in at night. The frames made him look like he was a dork that read a lot anyways, and he did read a lot when Tobi was taking over. Kujo could care less. As long as none of the stupid alters cut out his dreadlocks. They could style the dreads however they wanted, but they were not allowed to cut it. Kujo had made it clear to them that he would do whatever it took to kill them. Meaning killing himself. The others understood, and respected the wish. The gods were the only ones who cared weither he lived or died. That was fine for him. He already deemed himself "Loveless" more than once. He pushed his sister's unconditional love to walk the road of misery. He took the life of a luperci wanderer for now. Always moving, always going somewhere. Learning, adventuring, fighting, healing, eating. He barely slept now a days. An hour or two and then another alter would take over.

"Human actors had clothes, did they not? Perhaps we can scavenge--" Hanzu started to speak, but Sinaha was quick to jump in. "OH! Kujo! I saw the CUTEST leather jacket that you must find! It'd look so DASHING on you! I will help, yes, yes!" the panda danced excitedly as she had remembered the leather jacket that she could make out on the faded magazine that she had read. Well...More like looked at the pictures. Sinaha had been a woman, to the fullest extent. She had learned how to sew things, make leather, things like that, but the craftsmanship on the human made things were so much better than hers, and she always longed for Kujo to have a nice leather jacket. She was the alter who treated Kujo with the most love. What could you say? She was a lover, not a fighter. Though...She was good at fighting when it came down to it. She just wasn't a fan of fighting. Plus, she needed to love Kujo, because without him, they would be disembodied spirits floating in the second world rather than being able to look after such a devilishly handsome young luperci. Sinaha would most definitely find Kujo that jacket. She also needed to get that suit ready for Kujo as well. She always found that Kujo looked best in a tuxedo, since he had the features for it. He also could get away with just wearing a nice vest and bandanna around his neck, but she did love him in a suit best, jacket included. " It sounds exciting. Human made I'm guessing?" Kujo knew she was only excited when she didn't have to make it. He figured that it was also too complicated for her and her lazy panda butt to work on sometimes. "Mhmmmmm. " sometimes his alters were there to keep him from going crazy. Without them, then he would be just a plain old schizophrenic with violent visions of demons clawing at his feet, his ankles.

The "group" had made it further and further into the city, Kujo's mismatched orbs looking for a clothing store. It took a good few blocks before he could find anything that was just burnt to the ground. The devastation was horrible, and it actually had made Kujo have problems with controlling himself. He twitched his neck several times trying to keep from a transition from Kujo into Hanzu, or Tobias. The shadows were forming at his feet. The sky was already turning black. Kujo blinked several times for it to stop, but it just got darker and darker. The clouds were overcast. Pupils dilated. Kujo's fingers wrapped around the sword halt that was slung across his back and he drew the kantana from the sheath and he snarled as he looked back down to the earth before him, where the shadows had popped out of the ground, solidifying, charging at him. Hanzu was quick to launch at the Shadows. Kujo took to the right. Sinaha flanking to the left. Just as things were already getting heated up, all of a sudden, the sky opened back up and everything stopped. There was someone approaching him. Someone...holy?

"Hanzu speak"

"Tobias speak"

"Sinaha speak"

" Kujo speak"


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