A New Home
OOC- Hai xB sorry for the short ness >.<"
Friskia looked in awe at the village. This was her new home! Now what do I do.. She thought, getting a bit nervous. Friskia let out a small yawn and stumbled a bit, cursing to herself. She scratched behind her ear, a flea seeming to be enjoying itself. She had forgotten she had fingers, and easily picked the flea out and crushed it. I could get used to this.. She thought with a small chuckle. She shook her gray hair out of her face and stretched her new limbs, trying them out once more.
A small breeze blew from behind her, blowing her hair in her face. She sputtered out the strands that got in her mouth and let out a small growl. That is going to need some fixing She thought to herself. She walked forwards a bit more, and suddenly stopped, fear freezing inside of her as a small voice called out. Friskia took a large swallow, as if that would make the fear go away. She took a careful step forward, looking towards a blue hut where the sound came from. Her muscles bunched as she got prepared to run, but took another step forward. "H-hello?" She called, trying to keep her voice steady, but failing horribly.

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