let's just stop, drop everything
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... sasban.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
That was a marvelous post. :o And yay, happy 900th! -party hats- (318)

The passion between them was the most intense he imagined existed. Every day, even the days he spent essentially alone, he thought about this; thought about how close to perfection their relationship was, how lucky he was to have her. How was it that he, a nothing in the eyes of the world, was able to have something so beautiful and so perfect all to himself? His lack of status no longer bothered him, because of Savina. Why, he could be the ruler of the world, with all the material riches and social popularity possible — but he would remain alone and unhappy in that universe, if she wasn't part of it. Savina and the children they had together was all Kansas needed to feel important and happy.

He wanted her to know this, without words. He wanted to make her feel good. His mind was spinning as he grasped her body and gazed at the remarkable beauty before him. Her face as she let herself feel his touch made him feel as if he was making her feel good, as he desired; but he wanted more. Kansas almost lifted her from against him and pushed inside her, but she had this idea herself. How he wanted to feel her around him, to experience her body in a way only he could. He wanted her to scream his name.

She lifted her slender form and her body closed around him, engulfing him in euphoric pleasure. Her voice sounded, a cry and then his name (how he'd wished for that), and he groaned loudly, his claws grasping her hip gently. He pushed into her, as deep as possible, before grasping her hips firmly to help steady her if chose to move her body with his. "Baby..." he growled softly, his breath coming in quick, silent gasps as his muscles tensed in anticipation. Only she could make his body feel this good.


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