New Letters

Heath had come here with two others, a brother and a sister. The trio had left on their own accord, a mission that their memories had pushed them to complete. The three had traveled most of the way together, until they had gotten close to the region. So many packs meant that they needed to split up and search for the one they all sought. But Heath knew that it was not done, their father still took in life giving breaths, it had been a hard failure for the male to deal with. But, he had come to terms with it, and though he would likely never forgive or forget he had come to learn that life was meant to be much more then revenge. Avoiding and ignoring such a plague on his heart would have to suit him for the time being.

Her story was short, a simple answer to his simple question. The tale had to be one that she was no ready to express, and Heath could not ask her to if she did not feel comfortable. The male was not one to push or pry, one's business was theirs and he felt that Anann owed him nothing and no explanation. "Leaving ones you love it always hard." he agreed, eyes looking out into the landscape, thought roam back to the day he and his brother and sister had left. Heath had not looked back, but he had been young, head strong and foolish.

The hotel could be seen, and Heath nodded and gave a "Yup" in response. The ranks were always changing, and it was hard to tell her a straight answer to the next question. "A dozen, or so." He spoke with a small grin, making it a bit obvious that he was unsure. "I dont live here though, my mate and I have a cabin by the shore." He explained as they reached the door, his light toned hand grasping the handle and opening the large entrance for her.

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