I didn't know you could stop being a God.

Holes in his memories, five feet deep and five feet wide; tunnels in his brain where monsters lived, spider-web designs and intricate criss-crossing. He hadn't realized that he had been lying so close to, on top of, the other until he was thrown off and away. And even then, his mind had a hard time grasping reality, if it was even that. How could he tell if a dream until he woke up again? Everything was always so real. His face stung and he stumbled back like a drunken soldier, trying to forget the war. Red staring at red. He knew they should have just stayed away from one another; a conversation was never just a conversation. Had the hybrid fallen asleep again while his body did things he didn't remember? And Ahren? Had his eyes always been so cold or was this something else wrong with him, them, and their wretched little world?

There were words in Laruku's throat: apologies, mostly, but he knew somehow that they would mean nothing here. I'm... leaving now, he warbled instead, the syllables still tumbling out haphazardly. Had he been drinking? The air was clean, but he felt like he had been. His eyes remained on the other and he backed away, half-hoping that nothing else would happen, and half-hoping that this was just another excuse to die quickly.


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