Drinking out of Cups

ooc- sorry for the delay on this reply!


He never expected that there were so many more like Razekiel. He didn't come across hippies often (in fact Razekiel was his first), and so he thought of them as a rarity. They certainly were some odd people though. Odd, but n the end they were all pretty cool. They had some good ideas too, but Cassius didn't know too many. He just knew that they loved the Earth (and the Lykoi certainly proved that) and they were basically just "chillin'" all the time. His parents knew of hippies but they said they were useless hooligans. However, the red faced coyote warped that view. He liked these "hippie" people. It was then that Cass decided that there should be more like Razekiel in this world. "Well, I din't know there'd been more o' ya hippies float'n 'round. I done should'a come sooner," he said with a wry chuckle.

Cassius smiled and chuckled a bit as the Lykoi agreed and opened his arms. He sat down next to Razekiel and nodded. Their veiws may have been a bit different, but they were clan-mates, and they all treated others like family. If either of them were in some trouble, the other would back them up. He looked up at the clear sky, with the sun beating down on his face. "Yeah, we sure are."


Word Count: 200+*


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