And then I swore to you [p]
ooc: yeeeey! <3

It was today, wasn't it? Aro was sure it was today. The day where he was finally going to learn how to hunt, a day he had been waiting for since he could retain rational thought. Finally he could be somewhat helpful to the pack, finally he wouldn't have to rely on his mother and father to get his own food, and he could sustain himself. Of course, in the boy's mind, he figured after being taught by his mother, he would be taking down deer and elk by himself without much issue, the boy's arrogance getting ahead of his actual ability. Nevertheless, he was nothing less of ecstatic to learn.

However, he was nowhere near where his mother told him to be, as he had overslept due to a lot of excercise the previous day, and was now late for the meeting with his mother. His large, clumsy paws barrled through the forest as Aro attempted to run as fast as his stubby legs could carry him. It was fairly obvious by the way the oaf ran that he was not anywhere near used to being in the larger body he had obtained from his father's genes, he was fairly larger than the usual pup, though that wasn't too much bigger, it was a noticable size difference than other pups his age. He was lopsided, clumsy, flopping about like a small bear cub on his legs for the first time. Nevertheless, he was making progress in reaching his mother, and the smile of excitement was plastered on Aro's little face like it had been carved on.

When he finally found his mother, the first thing he did was tackle her in excitement, attempting to push her over, though instead slamming against her like a squishy wall. As he bounced off of her, he regained his footing and began getting into a crouched position, his tail wagging like crazy, his light blue eyes darting to and fro as he nipped at his mother playfully. "Hi mom!" He said happily between nips, his tail wagging as quick as it could. "I'm sorry I'm late, I was really tired for some what are we going to hunt? A moose? A deer? an elk?" He then rolled on his back and made a few swipes at the air before facing his mother again, he could not stand still even if his mother had asked him to.
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