I didn't know you could stop being a God.

It was a funny feeling, but not entirely foreign. Few things so painful were. He had been backing away, but stopped when the knife flashed in the moonlight, somehow catching the light even under all the fog. There was no message; there didn't need to be. There was just intention and acknowledgement. Laruku knew. Indeed, how could he not? Eyes and expressions told everything. And he had seen it before, that blank and empty determination to kill. The hybrid could have laughed; the scar across his throat was pulsing, or else there was a lump there. Perhaps both. Someone he knew, a friend, an enemy, he didn't know -- (A lover?) -- there to kill him once again. It was too easy.

Ahren... he mumbled again, hoping too much and knowing nothing at all. Whether Laruku suspected that the other was out of his mind and "possessed" was unknown. After all, what did he really know about the man's morals and rages? Was what had happened enough to kill for? Who knew? Maybe he'd done something else too. It was all possible and probable. A reason didn't matter. Ahren was trying to kill him. Are you going to run? Where to? Are you going to fight? Wouldn't it only happen again? Are you going to die? He wasn't that lucky.


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