Listen to your heart.

I did not see this. D:

It did not take too long before her call was answered. A shape was moving towards her, and the hulking body was that of Gabriel. It was unmistakable, especially in a land filled with coyotes. His scent washed up and over her along with the scent of fresh blood. It was as if he read her mind and she grinned before taking off from the porch and after him. She was about to tackle him, but refrained from doing it with a heavy buck on his back, a nicely sized one at that. She eyed it over, then eyed Gabriel over for any injuries. When all was clear she followed behind him back to the house.

She would wait on the porch for him so he could deposit the carcass inside for the children to eat when they finally awoke. "We need to talk, about a lot of things," she said, looking inside worriedly. How long would their food supply hold up for? Faolin was wondering if a pack hunt should be called soon. They needed as much meat as they could get their paws on, it was not a bad idea for storing food away now. It was getting quite cold, and already the morning sun was disappearing under a blanket of clouds. This entire week had been filled with rain, and her paws were damp from running out towards Gabriel.

Looking back to Gabriel, she looked at him worriedly. Faol was hoping he was not getting too worn out with running the pack. It was a hard task, and she would do her best at being by his side. "Just put it inside somewhere I guess. We need to figure out what we are going to do for the winter, with all the children running about, they are going to need more meat then ever. With so few, it's going to be hard to keep all these mouths fed." Faolin looked at him, kind of worried. Abruptly, she added in, "I saw Segodi yesterday."

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