let's just stop, drop everything
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wc 305
Kansas is freakishly obsessed with her. Smile

One of the many things that made her a Goddess in his eyes was her ability to maintain a perfect balance in her life. Savina always seemed to be busy, as she was an important woman in so many ways; she dealt with things as a leader of Crimson Dreams that he never had dealt with. But never did she allow her duties to the pack whittle time away from her family. She was infallibly there for their children, there for him. He honestly could have understood and accepted less from her, but he didn't have to. She was completely awe inspiring in this way.

He wished every inch of their skin could be touching; he wanted all of her. In this moment Kansas knew he had her, for they touched intimately; he felt her where no one else ever had, and ever would. He would make sure of this; he would be enough for her just as she was more than enough for him. Her body above him was a shape formed by the hands of Providence, every curve and twist so exquisitely beautiful that the pale boy could barely contain himself.

The rhythm of their bodies was synced. His eyelids fluttered uncontrollably, but he revealed the vibrant pools of turquoise completely as her face fell ever so slightly, her lips touching his in a feverish kiss. A snowy hand caught the tendrils of her soft mane, wrapping through the tangles up against her skull and grasping gently as their kiss intensified. He shifted slightly after a moment, wanting now to do it all for her and allow her to simply feel. His hips moved more quickly, angled into her body to strengthen the feeling inside her slender body. He held her hair more firmly, pulling slightly as his pleasure became almost too much.


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