sanctuary of mine;
April Fools! Jefferson's back. 8D For the record, he was gone 5.5-6 days ICly. Hope this is not too terribly disappointing for anyone. XD All welcome for anyone wanting to ask questions, hear what he learned, hear about Dawali or AniWaya, etc., but PV members only please. No limit on how many join, either. ^^

He'd been eager to get back, that was no surprise. Their little trick had gone well -- secret meetings between he and Dawali had revealed members panicking, misunderstanding, or otherwise falling suspicious of the sudden change -- but it had not entirely been just a ploy to upset those beneath him. Jefferson rarely went out of his way to bother his members, especially considering his typical sarcasm was hardly an extra effort and more of a consistent thing that just happened to be bothersome. He and Dawali had switched for higher purposes; a few days away, to learn about the people and the land with which they were allianced. The cyclops had familiarized himself with their way of life, even for the few days he was gone. They were peaceful there, calm, safe. Like Phoenix Valley, they meant no harm and only sought to be left to live their lives without violent interruption.

The cyclops returned on two legs, sleep pulling at his eyes. What time had he left AniWaya? The journey was such a long one, but now as dawn approached the sun peeked a brilliant orange hue and lit up the morning sky. At the pack's borders he paused, breathing in that sweet smell he knew so well; here was his home, the place he'd adopted as his own, the land he had been with which he had been charged at Iskata's demise and Deuce's abrupt leave. He loved it, he took pride in it. He was the difference between its failure -- something Phoenix Valley had been in danger of several times between his promotion to leader in early spring and the following winter -- and life. The pack had given him a home, and now he extended that invitation to those who desired the same. That was the most he could do, at least for Iskata -- without her, he surely would have starved to death.

The cyclops continued his easy stride back towards the ranch, but even that was still a journey away walking on aching and weary legs. A yawn broke through his walls and he paused again only to stretch and roll his shoulders; a hare darted past, but Jefferson merely peered at it and moved on. He had little interest in hunting or running. The brute only wanted to see his members, Geneva, and another sun rise over Phoenix Valley. He'd missed them, but he wouldn't admit it.

Had he been missed? The cyclops doubted it. The brute raised his nose to the violet sky and released a long howl despite the hour of morning: An announcement of his return, that there was no cause for alarm. There was no invitation there to meet him, no call to gather the troops to be interviewed on all the sudden changes and jokes. That done, all Jefferson could do was continue his slow saunter towards the ranch house, tattered ears twitching and mangled arm aching as always.


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