The sky's on fire - finished

Conor's shrill bark of warning had turned Bris' head upward in time. Too busy watching one section collapsing wall, she'd missed the overhang that had sagged just above her head. Her sharp eyes widened as the whole window casing, overhang and all, suddenly buckled and came crashing down. The young girl leapt desperately to the right, landing on the soft earth as the spot she'd occupied moments before disappeared beneath a raging heap of hungry flame and searing wood. She spared only a second in quiet contemplation before bolting again to her feet, offering the violet-eyed brigade leader a distinct nod of gratitude before hurrying to trade another bucket with Emwe.

On and on the buckets switched, on and on the Dahlians worked. Their progress was becoming steadily clearer, and by the time Conor left his digging to make another link in the bucket chain, it was obvious the flames could go no farther in their quest for destruction. The buildings it left behind in its wake would burn to the ground, but the rest of Dahlia would prove to be safe from the result of Inferni's arson. Rather than letting the wolves calm, however, Bris felt a renewed energy at seeing their apparent success, and she ran feverishly back and forth, determined not to stop until the entire advancing line was not only under control, but undoubtedly beaten. They weren't quite done yet.

Table by Kiri/Jenny!!

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