A New Home
OOC~ xB Please excuse the typos, this computer aint got spell check xD
Friskia stepped back a bit, seeing another werewolf, er, Luperci step out from behind the hut, her tail wagging behind her. Friskia blinked a bit, then held back a laugh of the blue streak that she left across her forehead, appearently she had been painting the hut. The streak seemed to ease her fear a bit, and it eased alot more as she saw that her tail was wagging. Friskia frowned a bit, seeing how pretty this girl was, and then how raggedy she looked.
She stiffled a small sigh, and tried to smile. Her fear had gone down alot from the paint, the laugh, and the feeling of being dirty. She waved back and shoved the hair out of her face once more, her clawed finger getting stuck in a knot. Quickly, she tried to break the knot, but ended up having to pull her whole hand out. Ugh! How embarissing! She growled to herself. She bit her bottom lip and wrinkled her nose, her smell now hitting her mind. Wow, Great first impression! She thought miserably.
"Hello, I am Friskia," She said, trying not to be so embarissed and atempt to be friendly. Another breeze blew in her face, and made her eyes water. She blinked it away, nothing seemed to be going right at all. She put her hands behind her back and looked away, hoping she could crawl up uunder a rock and just hide, well, untill she could get cleaned up.
She looked back up and took a deep breath. "Well, er, do you know any empty huts that no one else wants and are free to use? And perhaps a place to clean up?"

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