hold my breath

i fought in the old revolution
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Sorry for the delay! b:

Beppe had somewhat expected this place to be creepy. From the outside it looked like a cemetary for trees, gray and dead, but once the boy stepped into the sparse woodland he realized that the trees weren't really dead at all. They were old, that was for certain, and the wind could push them around just like it did the ocean on a stormy day, but they were certainly still alive. Already, in his true nature, he had started to wonder what kinds of events they had seen in their life. What a thing it would be to live so long, and so passively. You could witness events as big as kingdoms rising and falling to something so small the ones involved thought they'd be the only ones to know about it.

There was still snow on the ground, but already the sun was warm and bright. It wasn't reaching very high in the sky yet, and the shadows it made were soft. The black wolf was quite enjoying the sun, it being something he was more used to than endless days of gray, and the whole situation put him in quite a good mood. So many things had been happening recently that it was good to take his mind off of the little things that happened and think about something that had as much history as the old trees. Surely they had seen fires and floods, and they were still here.

When he saw another through the trees, her head lifted in a pose that to Beppe suggested absolute bliss, he moved a little closer, careful not to disturb. "Hello," he said gently, after allowing himself enough time to study the dappled light that fell across her face. "Beautiful out, yes?" A smile pulled across his face.

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on the side of the ghost and the King


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