you eat my kind for breakfast
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It was a feeling that had lead to him leaving the main tribe and making the long trek here to this one. It hadn't been an easy decision, mostly because he worried about how his family would fare without him. It wasn't like they were alone, they had the rest of the tribe, but still he worried. He had been the first son and to leave his parents and younger brothers and sister hadn't been something he considered lightly. But with his parents' blessing and Onawa's encouragement he had followed that feeling, and now here he was. Perhaps Aurèle's Guide had also lead her away and now back. It was very plausible and he was in no position to judge the woman regardless. He knew nothing about her or her life story.

Faced forward as he was he missed any sign of hostility or discomfort from her that came with the subject of her homeland. Her tone conveyed nothing out of place and so he simply took the information as it was given. Though it was clear that she held no great enthusiasm for talking of where she came from, so he would not ask any more questions on the subject. Nayati didn't have the time to anyway, for Dawali now was striding towards them. The Utina waved in greeting and then nodded as the Kalona met them at close proximity. As the two began to speak of the business of Aurèle and Anatole rejoining the tribe Nayati took a small step back and kept his mouth closed. This was no business of his and he did not wish to stick his nose in. The hunter would remain a silent observer until he was dismissed or brought back into the conversation.


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